Ahmad Faishal is now a full-time writer and former Analyst of BPD DIY Bank. He’s Risk Management Certified. Specializing in writing about financial literacy, Faishal acknowledges the need for a world filled with education and understanding of various financial areas including topics related to managing personal finance, money and investing and considers investoguru as the best place for his Ahmad Faishal is now a full-time writer and former Analyst of BPD DIY Bank. He’s Risk Management Certified. Specializing in writing about financial literacy, Faishal acknowledges the need for a world filled with education and understanding of various financial areas including topics related to managing personal finance, money and investing and considers investoguru as the best place for his يعتبر وارن بافيت أكبر مستثمر حي. تحول بافيت الاستثمار في شركة المنسوجات فاشلة في الشركة رقم أربعة على قائمة فورتشن 500، والثروة الشخصية له قد بالون إلى أكثر من 60 مليار $، مما يجعله ثالث أغنى شخص على وجه الأرض.